Once you switch to Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries, you need to make sure that you have the right charger for them. It is recommended that you use only a LiFePO4 battery charger for such batteries instead of using lead acid chargers. Otherwise, you could risk the life of the battery. It makes a lot of sense, as both batteries are downright different from each other. For instance, a 12v LiFePO4 battery that is fully charged to 100 percent should hold about 13.3v to 13.4v, and lead acid will have around 12.6v to 12.7v. At 20%, the lithium battery’s voltage will be at 13V and lead acid will have 11.8v in the same capacity.
It is important to know that the LiFePO4 battery charger is voltage-limiting that has similar characteristics to a lead acid system. The difference is the significantly higher voltage per cell, the lack of a float charge or trickle at full charge, and tighter tolerances in the voltage. Lead acid may provide flexibility in terms of the voltage cut off, but most LiFePO4 manufacturers recommend the right setting to prevent overcharging. Keep in mind that LiFePO4 is designed as a ‘clean’ system and will take only what it can!
High-quality lithium chargers are designed according to a Constant Voltage/Constant Current (CV/CC) charge algorithm. The charger will limit the amount of current to a specific level until that battery reaches the pre-set voltage. From there, the current is reduced as the battery reaches a full charge. This way, fast charging is possible without overcharging.
In selecting a LiFePO4 battery charger, make sure that the unit is ISO 9001 compliant and meets all US standards. Get it from a reputable retailer that sells chargers with the universal clamp charging terminal. If you have recently purchased a LiFePO4 battery, check with the store if they carry a charger for it, and buy from that same source.
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