Thursday, December 24, 2020

Best Lithium Battery for RV – Important Facts to Consider Before Buying

Your RV is as good as your home on the road, so it makes sense to ensure that it is safe and affordable down the line. One of the factors that can affect its safety and efficiency is the battery, and if you are looking for a better option than the typical lead-acid batteries, lithium may be worth your attention. There are different lithium batteries to choose from but not all of them may be beneficial for your vehicle and your lifestyle. So, be sure to look into these facts to find the best lithium battery for RV:

Switching to lithium batteries

An RV’s electrical system tends to be complicated. You have to look into aspects like the electrical tasks and the engine to make sure that you can choose the best lithium battery for an RV. So, you may want to consult with a professional to determine what needs to be changed to work with your new batteries.

Why LiFePO4 is a good choice

As you explore the range of lithium batteries for your RV, you are likely to come across lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4), which is known for its safety, versatility, and longer lifespan and run time. LiFePO4 batteries weigh less, too, so they may help increase your vehicle’s capacity for speed. Lithium itself is an environmentally friendly battery that can let you travel with reduced CO2 emissions and clean energy.

They cost more than regular batteries

Perhaps the only downside to lithium batteries is their hefty price tag. However, they are still worth the investment when you consider their benefits. In the long run, they will be cost-effective because of their lengthier lifespan. Traditional batteries will require a replacement every two to three years, but the best lithium battery for RV could outlive them for up to 10 years or possibly more with proper care and maintenance. 

And speaking of maintenance, LiFePO4 batteries do not require regular maintenance. They come with a built-in battery management system (BMS), which helps protect against over-charging, over-discharging, and overheating. And while they will degrade over time, the rate of degradation is much slower.

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