Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Key Differences Between Lead acid and Lithium Batteries

Over the past few years, Lithium batteries are taking over the popular lead-acid batteries in various usages. People who look for batteries for solar power, for a vehicle or other usage definitely have a question “which is the best battery as per the need”. So far, in the market, lead-acid and Lithium batteries are in high demand. It is important to choose from available options as per the price, usage, and durability. For this, here are the basic key difference between lead-acid and Lithium batteries. These will clear why there is a high lithium batteries for sale in different markets.

Energy and Range

When comparing the energy lithium battery comes up with an energy density of 125-600+ Wh/L, on the other hand, the lead-acid battery comes up with 50-90 Wh/L. As per experts, if identical vehicles are installed with these batteries, the lead-acid battery takes 10 times the volume that lithium battery takes and is heavier.


Price plays a vital role in selecting the right battery along with durability and performance. This is a key factor that decides which battery to purchase. So far, the lead-acid battery is a cost-effective battery and available in different options. This battery is highly suitable for stationery requirements. However, when the power demand is high, Lithium battery holds the advantage and proves as the best option but costs slightly higher over the other.

Time for charging

Lithium batteries are best and take less time over lead-acid batteries. This is the reason that lithium batteries for sale are in high demand and people prefer it due to its around 3 hours of complete charging capacity. On the other hand, the lead-acid battery takes up to 10 hours to completely charge. The charging time mostly depends on the size of the battery as it accepts a faster rate of current. For vehicles that have huge utilization but few break intervals, it is recommended to prefer lithium batteries.

When you look for the right battery, you need to decide on various factors as no one-size or type of battery can fit in all needs. Just understand the requirement and look for lithium batteries for sale from top suppliers or lead-acid battery that provides the right power as per the requirement.

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